Our vision is to see people saved, discipled, encouraged and equipped to serve Christ.
Youth and Children's Work
Our youth work is coordinated by Jonathan and Gemma Drew. They live in Paignton and have been part of the GPC family for many years and have always played an active role in encouraging and discipling young people.
Children and young people are a vital part of Great Parks Chapel. We hope that your children will feel at home here and that you will encourage them to be part of the activities - even if only for a day.
We believe that children today need to know about Jesus. It is our aim to demonstrate Jesus’ love to all of our children and help them develop a personal relationship with God. Many people believe the youth are the “Church of tomorrow”. We believe they are very much the “Church of today”.
Sunday Mornings
Children aged 3-18 are welcome to join Sunday Club. The children leave the main service and join together in different age groups for their own time of age appropriate worship and teaching. There is also a crèche room for you to take your babies and children under 3 years old at any point during the Sunday morning service.
We believe that children and young people should not only be taught Biblical truth, but also how to defend it. This is becoming more and more vital in a world which is set on undermining the Word of God.
Our older teens (15-18) alternate between staying in the service to listen to the Sermon and joining together in a group to have focussed Bible teaching and discussions around the issues they face and the big questions they need answers to in order to stand faithfully on God's Word.
Term-time children's activities
PULSE is a Weekly after school club held on Monday afternoons during term-time at 4:00 until 5:15pm and is for all Primary school aged children.
You can expect to have a lot of fun playing games, doing crafts, hearing Bible stories and singing songs. (See monthly planner for dates.)
Term-time youth activities
After Church
We hold a social event for secondary aged children after the evening service, twice a month (2nd and 4th Sunday of each month). This is usually held at the GPC, but sometimes elsewhere and it provides a time of fun, friendship and food! Check Planner for details.