Our vision is to see people saved, discipled, encouraged and equipped to serve Christ.
Outreach and Other Events
TeePees is a mother and toddler group held at Great Parks Chapel at 10:15am–11:45am every Wednesday during school terms.
The group is run by members of Great Parks Chapel, there is open play with a craft activity and for the last quarter of an hour there is music and song time. Tea, coffee and biscuits are available for the adults.
There is no need to book a place and there is £1 charge per family, please feel free to just pop in and meet us!
Open air evangelism
Members of our fellowship can be found in Paignton Town centre preaching the Gospel in the open forum. This is normally carried out on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 11:00am until 1:00pm.
Door to door evangelism
Most Tuesdays some members of our fellowship will meet at the chapel to walk around the local community, knocking on doors to check on the welfare of our neighbours and to share the Gospel to anyone who is willing to listen. Invitations to Chapel events are often distributed along with other Christian literature and Bible tracts.
Monthly mid-week prayer meeting
Bacon butties for blokes
Exactly what it says, a great opportunity to invite a friend along for food and fellowship with a short thought for the day. Held occasionally. See Planner or Upcoming events for details
Men's Nights
'Men's Nights' take place at various times during the year. Activities in the past have included, BBQ on the beach, Cayman Golf, Snooker, Boat Fishing, Bowling, DVD nights, Walks, Guest speakers, Quizzes and much more. All men are welcome to join us for a fun night out! Usually with food...
Everyone is welcome to come and be refreshed and encouraged on these Wednesday evenings. This is an opportunity for open prayer about current issues effecting the Church as well as the world around us. Sometimes a short Bible-based talk will be shared. It is held on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30-9:00pm. Occasionally we will hold our church business meetings on this night. On the remaining Wednesdays there are several growth groups held for members to study the Bible and share fellowship together.
Coffee Morning
Every Tuesday we will be opening the church to those who may be struggling to feed themselves, may be lonely or just want to get out of the house for a change of scenery. Great Parks Chapel will open every Tuesday from 10am until 12pm. All members of the chapel are encouraged to come along, bring friends, or invite neighbours to share a time of fellowship over a cuppa and some light refreshments. These Coffee mornings are open to anyone living nearby to come and join us, to share the warmth of the chapel, have a hot or cold drink, some cake or a biscuit or two. There may also be some games, crafts and puzzles for people to come and have a time of fun, just to chat or to simply get you out of the house. There is no charge for this event.